Plans for the installation

Meeting Details

Meeting Date 01 Jul 2023
Meeting Time 09:00:00
Location Residence of President Rtn. Jigneash Karria
Meeting Type BOD
Meeting Topic Plans for the installation
Meeting Agenda Agenda BOD 1 : 1) Planning for upcoming PE Installation Program 2) To discuss the Draft Monthly Meeting Planner of our club for 12 months. 3) Additional topics to be added subject to Chairs approvals 4) Open Discussion
Chief Guest None
Club Members Present 13
Minutes of Meeting The following decisions were met during the meeting Meetings must be designed according to themes *District focus months* At least 3 meetings must be conducted a month. One meeting must be based on theme of the month . The other must be based on entertainment/information SHUKRANGAN meetings once in a month compulsory for 12 months Meeting format.. 7:30pm-8pm fellowship 8pm onwards..meeting Members should be motivated for attending district award ceremony said Rtn.Kamlesh Four groups will be formed for 6 months & named.. Programs, fellowships will be taken care by that particular group for healthy competition and maximum involvement . Announcement of this idea will be done on 6th July by Rtn.Sanjay One epilepsy operation should be done with BOD's contribution - said Rtn.Snehal Meeting with CSR coordinator must be done at earliest. Rtn.Niteen (HAPPY VILLAGE) suggested to concentrate on any one village rather than working on small projects in different villages. Let's adopt one village and have 3 years plan for it. Visit 1)Bhor 2)lavle 3)Pingori Plan visiting PRANT in July and visit BHOR in August Designated Director should talk about their work, theme and try to involve and inform maximum no of members making use of quiz, games etc making it more interesting. Video of epilepsy operation before and after is compulsory for any donation Donor's address and PAN card no is mandatory before induction said Rtn.Unmesh New member must visit club meeting at least once Home/office/somewhere out meeting is must by BOD members with a new member President Jigneash's donation collection for Epilepsy is 6.81 lakhs And Rtn.Sanket's is around Rs. 2 lacs or 2.5 lakhs for school construction