28-11-2022 - 02-12-2022

Our Club member, Rtn. Surhuda Kulkarni participated in an All Women's Car Rally conducted by Rotary District 3131. The Rally was a major Public Image project which carried four social messages, Say No to Plastic, Kick out addictions, daughter empowerment and Organ donation. This rally toured across seven Rotary districts carrying the messages. Other than posters and bill boards which were put up across various cities and towns through which this rally went, there were many street plays and skits which promoted the social causes. This was a major public image exercise. This rally became a very major social awareness initiative. It traversed Maharashtra, Karnataka and Goa.

Project Details

Start Date 28-11-2022
End Date 02-12-2022
Project Cost 25000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 130
No of direct Beneficiaries 20000
Partner Clubs Rotary District 3131
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category