25-09-2023 - 25-09-2023

Title: GOOD TOUCH BAD TOUCH Location: Sant Tukaram School Baner Beneficiares :780+ Project: Literacy Prgramme [ UNDER LITERACY MONTH] Speaker: Rtn Uma Patil Chief Guest: Respected Rtn. Mamta Kolhatkar Date: 25th September 2023 Club: SYNERGY PROJECT BETWEEN ROTARY CLUB OF PUNE BANER and ROTARACT CLUB OF BERLIN INTERNATIONAL [Germany] -215401 Dist 1940 This project was planned for the school of low income group where they have 5 schools working under one premise. The students were explained the different type of good touch and bad touch and how to tackle them. Also they were taught techniques to defend them if they come across some unforeseen situation. The sessions was also partly taken by RTR. Tanvi Pande [ PRESIDENT] ROTARACT CLUB OF BERLIN INTERNATIONAL [Germany] -215401 Dist 1940 and Mitalee Patil [Prospect Member] ROTARACT CLUB OF BERLIN INTERNATIONAL [Germany] -215401 Dist 1940

Project Details

Start Date 25-09-2023
End Date 25-09-2023
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 100
No of direct Beneficiaries 780
Partner Clubs ROTARACT CLUB OF BERLIN INTERNATIONAL [Germany] -215401 Dist 1940
Non Rotary Partners Sant Tukaram School Baner Pune
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy