02-07-2024 - 02-07-2024

Rotary club of Pune Baner distributed shoes and socks to 118 students to the under priviliged students of the Zilla Parishad school of Jalandar Nagar. The chief guest for the function was Rtn. Mohan Palesha, PDG. A special project indeed as it catered to the poor and the needy and brought smiles to the school children from a ZP school. The schools have recently reopened after summer vacation and this distribution of socks and shoes is going to benefit the students for the entire year.

Project Details

Start Date 02-07-2024
End Date 02-07-2024
Project Cost 10000
Rotary Volunteer Hours 200
No of direct Beneficiaries 300
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Basic Education and Literacy